Objects or items from the Morana Online game


  • Stealth Shoe

    Stealth Shoe

    Common Turnshoe
    Min speed +6
    Max speed +8
    Min armor +2
    Max armor +4

    A quiet, durable turnshoe, perfect for sneaking around unnoticed. Its flexible sole makes no noise on the ground.

    ≈ 120 gold
    ≈ 110 point
  • Travel shoes

    Travel shoes

    Common Turnshoe
    Min speed +7
    Max speed +9
    Min armor +2
    Max armor +4

    A lightweight, durable shoe, perfect for long journeys. Its thick sole provides good cushioning and protection against the elements.

    ≈ 132 gold
    ≈ 121 point

Viking boots

  • Berserker Boots

    Berserker Boots

    Common Viking boots
    Min speed +8
    Max speed +10
    Min armor +1
    Max armor +3

    These boots are made of thick leather with spiked soles. They are designed to protect the wearer's feet from injury during battle, and can also be used as weapons.

    ≈ 132 gold
    ≈ 121 point
  • Storm rider

    Storm rider

    Common Viking boots
    Min speed +9
    Max speed +11
    Min armor +1
    Max armor +3

    These boots are made of tough leather and fur and are designed to protect the wearer from the cold and damp of the North. Sturdy soles and high heels keep feet dry and warm.

    ≈ 144 gold
    ≈ 132 point
  • Wolf Walk

    Wolf Walk

    Common Viking boots
    Min speed +10
    Max speed +12
    Min armor +1
    Max armor +3

    These boots are made of supple leather and trimmed with fur at the ankles. They are designed to be quiet and comfortable, making them ideal for stalking in the forest.

    ≈ 156 gold
    ≈ 143 point

War Boots

  • Wyvern scales

    Wyvern scales

    Common War Boots
    Min speed +11
    Max speed +13
    Min armor +4
    Max armor +6

    These boots are made from thick, hardened leather and reinforced with metal plates. They are designed to protect the wearer's feet from the claws and sharp teeth of wild beasts and enemy soldiers.

    ≈ 204 gold
    ≈ 187 point

Archery Gloves

  • Dragon scales

    Dragon scales

    Common Archery Gloves
    Min armor +1
    Max armor +3
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    Made from dragon scales, these gloves are said to be impervious to arrows.

    ≈ 48 gold
    ≈ 44 point
  • King Archer gloves

    King Archer gloves

    Common Archery Gloves
    Min armor +2
    Max armor +4
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gloves were once worn by the greatest archer in the land. They are said to confer superhuman archery skills on the wearer.

    ≈ 60 gold
    ≈ 55 point
  • Falcon's gloves

    Falcon's gloves

    Common Archery Gloves
    Min armor +3
    Max armor +5
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gloves are made from falcon feathers and are supposed to give the wearer the sight of a falcon.

    ≈ 72 gold
    ≈ 66 point

Chainmail Gloves

  • Dragon skin gauntlets

    Dragon skin gauntlets

    Common Chainmail Gloves
    Min armor +7
    Max armor +9
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gauntlets are made from the skin of a dragon, and are said to be impervious to fire and swords. They are also incredibly strong and resilient, and can protect the wearer's hands from the most powerful blows.

    ≈ 144 gold
    ≈ 132 point

Cuirass Gloves

  • Gauntlets of Valor

    Gauntlets of Valor

    Common Cuirass Gloves
    Min armor +8
    Max armor +10
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    A pair of cuirass gloves made from the finest steel, enchanted to be both incredibly strong and light. They are said to be capable of withstanding the most powerful blows, and have enabled their wearer to achieve many victories in battle.

    ≈ 132 gold
    ≈ 121 point

Falconer Gloves

  • Heel grip

    Heel grip

    Common Falconer Gloves
    Min armor +6
    Max armor +8
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3
    Hunting min +1
    Max hunt +3

    A pair of falconer's gloves made from the thickest leather and reinforced with metal plates. They are designed to protect the falconer's hands from the talons of his birds.

    ≈ 132 gold
    ≈ 121 point


  • Phoenix Gauntlets

    Phoenix Gauntlets

    Common Gauntlets
    Min armor +4
    Max armor +6
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    These gauntlets are made from the feathers of a phoenix and are supposed to protect the wearer from fire. They are also incredibly light and flexible, making them easy to move around in.

    ≈ 84 gold
    ≈ 77 point
  • Time gauntlets

    Time gauntlets

    Common Gauntlets
    Min armor +5
    Max armor +7
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    These gauntlets are said to be able to control time. The wearer can slow down, speed up or even reverse time.

    ≈ 96 gold
    ≈ 88 point
  • Grimoire gauntlets

    Grimoire gauntlets

    Common Gauntlets
    Min armor +6
    Max armor +8
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    These gauntlets are made of enchanted iron and are said to be able to cast spells. They're also incredibly strong and durable, making them perfect for combat.

    ≈ 108 gold
    ≈ 99 point

Jester Gloves

  • Disguise gloves

    Disguise gloves

    Common Jester Gloves
    Min armor +7
    Max armor +9
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gloves allow the wearer to change appearance at will. The gloves are made of a magical fabric that can take on any shape or color.

    ≈ 120 gold
    ≈ 110 point
  • Makeshift gloves

    Makeshift gloves

    Common Jester Gloves
    Min armor +8
    Max armor +10
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gloves bring good luck to the wearer. They are made from a magical fabric said to have been blessed by a god.

    ≈ 132 gold
    ≈ 121 point
  • Laughing gloves

    Laughing gloves

    Common Jester Gloves
    Min armor +9
    Max armor +11
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gloves are said to have the power to make anyone laugh, no matter how gloomy they may be. The gloves are made from a special type of leather said to have been blessed by a fairy.

    ≈ 144 gold
    ≈ 132 point

Laced Gloves

  • Phoenix gloves

    Phoenix gloves

    Common Laced Gloves
    Min armor +4
    Max armor +6
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    Made from the feathers of the mythical phoenix bird, these gloves are said to protect the wearer from fire and heat.

    ≈ 84 gold
    ≈ 77 point

Leather Gloves

  • Green Knight gloves

    Green Knight gloves

    Common Leather Gloves
    Min armor +5
    Max armor +7
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gauntlets are said to have the power to heal any wound.

    ≈ 96 gold
    ≈ 88 point
  • Mist gloves

    Mist gloves

    Common Leather Gloves
    Min armor +6
    Max armor +8
    Min speed +1
    Max speed +3

    These gloves enable their wearer to become invisible.

    ≈ 108 gold
    ≈ 99 point


  • Dragon breath mittens

    Dragon breath mittens

    Common Mittens
    Min armor +7
    Max armor +9
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    Made from dragon skin, these mittens are designed to protect the wearer from fire and heat.

    ≈ 120 gold
    ≈ 110 point
  • Dexterity gloves

    Dexterity gloves

    Common Mittens
    Min armor +8
    Max armor +10
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    These mittens are made from a thin, flexible material that enables the wearer to perform tasks with great precision.

    ≈ 132 gold
    ≈ 121 point
  • Heat mittens

    Heat mittens

    Common Mittens
    Min armor +9
    Max armor +11
    Loot min +1
    Loot max +3

    These mittens are lined with a thick layer of fur and are designed to keep the wearer's hands warm, even in the coldest weather.

    ≈ 144 gold
    ≈ 132 point